The sheep breeding and keeping due to the animals' incredible endurance was quite popular in Soviet times. Today, the development sheep breeding in Russia is gaining more and more supporters who find such a business profitable and its return period fast.

Разведение овец в Алтайском крае

Benefits of sheep breeding - the obvious profitability of the business

  • universality - they produce meat, fat, wool and milk;
  • fast maturity - four to eight months;
  • year-round grazing on pastures;
  • unpretentiousness to feed, formation of fat reserves even with poor diet;
  • endurance of young animals and rapid increase in weight.

Conditions of keeping sheep

Sheep breeding in Altai is possible either year-round in pastures or in sheepfolds. A combined version is also acceptable.

Sheep are unpretentious to fodder, they eat any herb. To obtain good results, it is necessary to add minerals, cereals, legumes to the diet.

  • Popular meat and wool breeds grown in Russia:
  • Romanov and Altay breeds;
  • Kuibyshev and Gorky breeds;
  • North Caucasian and Tien Shan breeds;
  • West-Siberian - the youngest breed, entered in the register in 2012.

условия содержания овец

Practice has shown that the most profitable business is the maintenance of sheep of the West Siberian meat and wool breeds. It allows you to receive:

  • produce of offspring in seasons unacceptable to other breeds;
  • highly liquid crossbred wool, milk;
  • high net yield of meat on carcass.

The meat can be sold  from five-month old lambs whose weight reaches 40 kg. The average weight of an adult ram is 102 kg, the ewe's 63 kg.

Advantageous offer for joint business!

Megasklad, LLC purchased an initial herd of 100 lambs. Of these, 50 are ewes and 50 are males. Animals are housed in a temporary pen, designed for 100-150 sheep.

The company's base is located 45-50 km from Barnaul in Kosikhinsky district, Ukrainka township.

For a quick start, we invite investors for cooperation whose funds will become the foundation for business development. According to the compiled business plan, the payback period of the project is about one year.

For all enquiries reagrding cooperation, please call us.